I’m getting more comfortable with the Word Press software that powers this Blarg, so I’ve been stretching out and enjoying some of its features. First off, comment is now free. I’ve disabled the requirement that a reader must register before posting a comment, but I’ve increased the scrutiny of the spam filter. So, please, do leave comments on these posts but try to avoid writing about viagra or mortgage refinancing, or else your comments might be deleted unread. Secondly, I have now deigned to accept your direct e-mail correspondence, in the Pen Pal link to the left. Thanks to Frieda Gerson for pestering me to finally set up a contact form, and to Shannon Hammock for actually writing lonesome me.

Finally, I can now peep the peepers, using a tool that shows what search engine terms are directing people to this website. To the young men who are searching this week for “FAFSA and Conscientious Objector status,” I’m glad I could offer some useful advice. To those of you who are googling Allen Sessoms, yes he was a dick when he was Queens College’s President, too. To those of you who are searching for “New York Mets Choke,” I don’t know what’s bringing you here, but you don’t have to rub it in, assholes. To those of you who are googling Sarah Stefanko (her parents?), you won’t find any dirt on this Blarg. I’m taking her secrets to my grave. And, finally, to those of you who are searching for “shaun richman,” you found me hiding in plain sight. And to the one odd duck who searched for “‘shaun richman’ + sex,” please write me right away.